Games are played 5 on 5 for 4 quarters

  • All referees, scorekeepers, timers and coaches must start the game on time whenever possible. As soon as each team has 5 players – START THE GAME
  • If one team only has 4 players – the game will NOT be played as an OFFICIAL game and will be forfeited by the team with 4.  You will use the gym time to mix up your players and form fair teams to play a game.
  • If both teams have 4 players – the game will be played as an OFFICIAL game 4 on 4.


  •  Any team with less than 4 players 5 minutes after starting time – will forfeit. A game SHOULD be played by mixing up the players even though not an official game. Refs should oversee this game and it MUST end at least 5 minutes before the next scheduled game (no matter how short the game).


  • Juniors, Inters, and Senior Girls – Intermediate Ball
  • Senior Boys – Full Size Ball


  • Junior Girls – 8.5 feet
  • Junior Boys – 9.0 feet
  • Inters and Seniors – 10 feet


  • Juniors – 9 minutes x 4 Quarters- based on team size this year
  • Inters and Seniors – 9 minutes x 4 Quarters


  •         One 2 – minute overtime (if tied at that point – game is a tie)


  •         Three one (1) minute time-outs per game and 1 extra time-out in overtime


  • TEAM FOULS: On the 10th team foul (per half) the penalty is 2 shots. Technical fouls count as team as well as personal fouls.
  • FOULING OUT: A player fouls out on the 5th foul. If a team only has 5 players and one fouls out other than due to technical fouls (where the team will have to continue without the player ejected due to technical fouls) – that player may continue the game. Any additional fouls on player(s) with more than 5 fouls will be treated as a technical foul in addition to a personal foul.
  • TECHNICAL FOULS: Technical fouls result in 2 shots and the ball remaining with the team shooting the fouls. A player is ejected on the second technical foul and is suspended for the next game. Any player that receives more than three technical fouls during the season will be suspended for the season. Similarly, any coach or parent that is charged with two technical fouls during one game will be asked to leave the facility and barred from the facility for the next game. Should another technical foul be charged to any such person, that individual will be barred from the facility for the remainder of the season. These penalties are in addition to any other remedies permitted under the law.


Running clock except for:

  • Last 2 minutes of 4th quarter and overtime – stop time except that if a team is behind by more than 10 points running time will continue
  • Time Outs
  • All technical fouls
  • For clarification, during any stop time, clock restarts when ball is “in play”
  • Juniors only: During the last minute of a game, the clock will not start until the ball crosses half court after a dead ball.


Fair and equitable substitution is one of the most important tenets of coaching for TYB. All players should play an equal amount of time to the best of your ability.

  1. No player may play more than one quarter more than any other player on his/her team.
  2. Every player must play at least ½ the game.
  3. A player who doesn’t play the 1st quarter MUST START & PLAY the entire 2nd quarter.
  4. The #1 and #2 Travel players on each team, as defined by the league supervisor, must play the entire 1st quarter and sit out the entire 2nd quarter unless it would result in having to play with 4 players. Where the top-rated Travel players on the team are needed in order to play with 5 players, any points scored by the #1 and #2 rated players in the 2nd quarter will NOT count.
  5. For teams with 11 and 12 players coaches must make necessary adjustments to closely align with competitive fairness and equal playing time rules 1 through 4. (If you feel that a coach fails to honor the substitution rules please report immediately to the league supervisor)
  6. Top #1 or #2 players cannot play both 3rd and 4th quarters in entirety and must sit for at least ½ quarter in time (4 ½ mins)


TYB believes that there are few benefits to running up the score and much to be gained in learning how to win with dignity and respect for other children in a recreational league. There are many things a coach can do to try to keep the score a little closer once a big lead has been established by his/her team:

  1. Only permit the less talented players to bring up the ball
  2. Require each player on the winning team to receive a pass before any shot is taken
  3. Only permit the players who rarely score to shoot
  4. Play defense and only challenge the ball IN THE KEY thereby allowing the other team to obtain quality scoring chances
  5. There are many fun creative ideas to increase other non-scoring skills.


Must play a “man-to-man” defense. Doubling or Trapping a player with the ball is prohibited. Help defense is allowed in the key and requires players to switch defense (vs. double teaming).


  • Juniors – NEVER
  • Inters – Final three minutes of 4th quarter and overtime only
  • Seniors – 4th quarter and overtime only


  • 10 seconds for ALL divisions.
  • For clarifications, in all schools other than the Middle and Alpine School, due to the small size of the courts, once the ball is advanced into the front court, the backcourt line is considered the opposite foul line as opposed to original half court line. As such, teams can guard their opposition if the opposition retreats past the half court line unless the ball goes back into the backcourt because of the defensive team (including a non-shooting foul by the defensive team), wherein the offensive team will have another 10 seconds to advance the ball into the front court.


  • Juniors and Inters – 5 Seconds
  • Seniors – 3 Seconds


  • Each Coach is required to enter a W or L into TeamSnap by the end of the day of the game played.
  • A Win can be entered as 1-0 and a Loss as 0-1.
  • Standings will be available weekly on TYB’s social media and


In the spirit of the TYB mission and the Recreation (“REC”) program, Travel team players are expected to actively participate in REC games and practices.

After a travel team player misses a total of 2 REC games he/she will be required to sit out the first half of their next Travel game

Each subsequent missed REC game will result in a full missed travel game. Travel players will still be expected to attend the Travel game and support their team on the bench.

REC Coaches are required to notify the TYB Board of any missed games by Travel players.

On the rare occasion where there is a conflict, Travel games take priority, followed by REC league games, followed by travel practices, followed by REC team practices.


All other topics are covered by the official NJ High School Rules. Any disagreements with other coaches, the scorekeepers or rules enforcement during the game should be addressed only to the referees or league supervisors who have final authority during the game. Both head coaches should meet with the referees at midcourt before each game to discuss any specific concerns or unusual player circumstances. Each referee has latitude in enforcing the degree of each rule. By start of each game, the coaches are expected to then manage their teams accordingly.

Please remember scorekeepers and referees are not NBA professionals; they are also human and therefore not perfect. Please do NOT get into any extended argument or discussion during the game – as parents and coaches we must lead by our behavior. Any comments on referees, scorekeepers, timers, opposing coaches or players should be directed to your league supervisor or division heads. Please ask your players NOT to arrive earlier than 15 minutes before a game or practice and not to wear jewelry, as it is prohibited. Please inform parents to pick up players no later than the scheduled end of practice or game. Any problems with parents should be directed to your league supervisor.

If you are the last team to leave a school – PLEASE look around and be sure there are no children left unattended. Coaches must also take responsibility for what is going on in the halls, bathrooms, stages, or stands, as well as on the basketball court. Please clean the bench area, and remove any bottles after the game/practice and report any injuries or damage to school property immediately to your league supervisor. We are also guests of the Tenafly and Alpine Schools and we can lose that privilege. Any problems that can’t be solved, please report to your league supervisor.